Posts Tagged ‘cute idea’

Pinteresting: Garden Planning

 I’ve decided to branch out and make some garden beds for flowers around the house.  Pinterest, has been a help in finding how-to’s, and tips, but also in finding fun things to make your garden area look fun and pretty.  Here’s a few idea’s I found this morning, that I am hoping to include in my own garden/yard.    Several of them are DIY kinda projects, or upcycling. 

garden stones

Have some rocks on your property? a cute idea for marking where you planted what, and also for removing the rocks from area’s you don’t want them. You could also paint them with animal or bug ideas too.


you could use any kind of box or crate that has a door, to hide all your gardening essentials. This would save several back and forth trips to the barn.

fairies dance herbs

Be kind to the Earth and she, in return will be kind to you.
